Thursday, March 04, 2010


It has been quite some time again since I posted. Life has been catching up. Back to doing creative work "almost" full time. Currently working on an interior design project for a cafe/retail store, various graphic design work and retouching.

So happy for sure. But my husband has been needing some attention since when I work on creative stuff, I tend to get lost in it and I let it consume me. Definitely something I have to work on. Will be posting stuff soon. Just getting my bearings straight.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Unconditional Love

There is nothing in this world that cannot be changed by love.

It is true for our passions and for our relationships with the people around us. It is not a "quick fix" but a long term commitment. It takes a whole lifetime to take effect.

Patience is the major requirement in using the "love solution". Every step of the way is peppered with doubt, hopelessness, dissapointment, self-pity and an occasional case of the "blues". But it is also filled with sprinklings of joy, laughter, little victories, precious memories and moments of enlightenment.

To be human is a gift. And love is what you find when you open it.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Love and everything Like It

Happy New Year everyone.

Currently reading Dare to Journey with Henry Nouwen.

It had been quite a year, and I am looking forward to this one. I pray I may be a better wife and mother, and to be able to master that above all things.

Thank you for everything.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Python in the backyard

The largest python was caught in the ranch on the morning of December 28th.

The cowboys were on fencing duty when they heard squeals from a wild boar in the distance. Following the sound, they saw a most bizarre occurence!

They saw 3 wild boars attacking a giant python that had already swallowed 1 wild boar!!!! They ran in fright calling for back-up.

This giant is now in the ranch compund whilst we contemplate on what to do with it. The other boars gave him a huge gash on his side and he is now being treated. It is 18 ft. long, and judging from the size of the boar inside his tummy, he can easily eat a person, worst, a child.

Can you imagine he grew to that size in the wilderness of the ranch? In this day and age, in a place where we are now sorrounded by so many people.

This ranch has to be preserved!!! Can you hear me Department of Environment & Natural Resources?

This giant comes at a very trying time as we are fighting not to loose this ranch to squatters and many other factors without much assistance from the DENR. We stand our ground, and may all the giants of the wild come out and say their piece.

Although whatever happens, it has been a most wonderful and exciting life living here. The only home me and the giant has ever known.

Peace. Love. But oh! Please dream you beautiful world. Goodnight.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

I know it's late, but the other half of the world is still enjoying Christmas. I spent the whole day in bed, sleeping and watching Pooh and Friends with Dear Husband and Begotten Son. So peaceful.

We lost a friend this Christmas, and we continue to pray for her that justice may be given her for the unusual circumstances of her death. Gone too soon. She will be missed.

Work has been challenging and picking up pace, but I still choose not to blog about such matters. Maybe that's why I didn't blog for many months since I could talk about nothing but work. And that's a no-no on this blog. Yes, it is still top-secret as we go on to 2010.

The kids have grown and I am older. But oh how exciting life is.

Peace. Love. Dream. Merry Christmas beautiful world.

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