Wednesday, November 22, 2006

All crafted out

The show is tomorrow. I'm all crafted out. Fun but super burn-out na. I have 5 joeys for sale only, because I would really rather make them made-to-order. I will post photos tomorrow, as soon as I get them all pretty set-up. Ryan did the set-up tonight, and it looks nice. We didn't see Steve so we are not sure about the product stand so we are just making do with what we have. It's crazy, back in the day, my mother could fill up a whole booth hhahahah. I am struggling to fill up a little basket. But my greatest excuse is a good one: I have school :-) As soon as I graduate I think I can fill up a booth with Summerday goodies heheheh. Right. Hay naku. I hope people order some stuff. I pray.
Hope everyone is doing well, wherever you are.
Peace.Love. Dream.Goodnight.

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