Monday, November 17, 2008


Good Morning!!!!! 

Yesterday was Sunday. And I was up bright and early in the morning to pop the croissants in the oven (I had slaved the whole night making the dough). Before getting ready for mass, begotten son and I enjoyed some quality time together while dear husband took this shot. 

And even though the croissants came out heavier and tasted like french bread (because I used bread flour, instead of pastry flour), I am not deterred from trying this again. And although I cannot find any pastry on this side of france, I shall try a suggestion from Julia Child to mix 2 parts cake flour to 1 part bread flour. Or was it equal parts? Will check later. 

A lovely Sunday.

Today was a Monday. Probably still is a Monday. And I have been in and out of sessions with the august body of Sangguniang Barangay the whole day. Well, the afternoon was actually with the Sannguniang Bayan on a joint hearing with the Committee on Landed Estate as we are in a boundary battle with another barangay. The only thing agreed on was the wait for the date of the ocular inspection that will have all parties present and initiated by the Committee. I will for sure post photos of that. 

I also found out that I have to attend a 3-days seminar in another city conducted by the Commission on Audit. This will be about Barangay Accounting Systems, and attended by all Barangay Captains, Treasurers, Record Keepers and Committee on Appropriations Chairmen (that would be me). And that it starts the day after tomorrow.

So tomorrow night, hubby, begotten son and I will pack our bags for the trip to civilization. We never leave home without the baby, and we also look forward to seeing some city lights. And the malls are not that bad. But really, hubby loves going to the city so we can catch a movie at the movie theaters. For really, there is none in this whole province. We are 3-4 hours away from every movie house. 

Small pleasures are pleasures just the same.

Peace. Love. Dream. Goodnight.


  1. lai you've gotten so skinny. i wish ing-ana pud ka resilient akong lawas but well, such is the price of being an older mom. lol!

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    aylaykyor daster! haha such a healthy baby! what is th name of the son and heir?

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    for more motherly prowess.. for more kagawad power and for super wifey of the year award! ahaha! didn't know that you still had this blog up. i didn't even catch you in the bukid when we were there.. magkita ra gyud ta soon gang! i miss you!! i labyu!!

    your one and only dinggaroo... mwah!
